วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

How to Save on Electricity

By: Ngullen Rivera

It seems that every winter the cost of electricity goes up, this is true rather you live in the northern colder areas or the southern warmer areas. No matter where you live winter electricity rates kick in and you face higher than normal electric bills. This can really put a damper on your spending money, you may even find that you do not have the money for other bills as a result.

Therefore, what you really need to be doing is saving money on your electric. You may not believe it but some simple steps, which you may not have ever thought of before, can save you literally hundreds or even thousands of dollars. We will provide you with some electricity saving tips. For instance, did you know that just by using space heaters in specific room, instead of using your central heating system, you can save more than $1,000 each year in electricity?

With that being said, here are some great electricity saving tips that could help you dramatically reduce the amount you pay each year.

Take Care Of The Bigger Problems

There is no use in worrying about the little things such as using the microwave, it is more important to put your focus on the bigger items such as electric heating, dryers, water heaters, refrigerators, and your other big ticket items. Some extremely simple steps, which really do not cost you a great deal of money to start with, can save you a great deal of money on your electric bill.

For example, by eliminating the use of your dryer and using laundry racks or clothesline, which by the way may only cost you about $20, can save you more than $100 each year in electricity. Other simple things like using fluorescent light bulbs instead of regular ones can save you as much as $90 per year. Just making sure your computer is "sleeping" while not in use can save you almost $60 per year.

Believe it or not these seemingly small acts can save you big money. For instance, if you wash your clothing in cold water you may save as much as $150 a year, if you need warm water, you can save over $70 a year. Furthermore, if it is affordable, updating your older appliances can also save you money on electricity.

Getting a newer refrigerator can save money, as well as an energy efficient stove, washer, dryer, heating element, or water heater. Save money on electric this winter and enjoy the extra money in other areas of life.
